Willie The Wizzard Has British Trainers In A Spell – The Dignosis by Dr Newland

In an article in the on Racing TV , british trainer Dr Richard Newland has implied that britsh nation hunt racing is in cricis due to Irish trainers especially Willie the Wizzard with his magic wand

Here are some of the outragious comments that were made shown here in bold


“National Hunt racing in Britain is in crisis. The BHA are recognising the rapid decline in British Jumps racing and the Irish dominance that is exacerbating this”

Maybe the BHA should invest in some lucky heather , Because clearly, british standard training methods just won’t cut it against a stable powered by fairy dust and shillelaghs


“It was also interesting to hear the earlier BHA statement that they had embarked on a new equine anti-doping initiative where 120 Irish horses had out of competition testing carried out for the first time jointly with the BHA, rather than by the Irish Regulatory authority alone. This suggests to me a lack of trust in the Irish anti-doping approach, and maybe this reflects the ‘lack of transparency’ as mentioned in the statment”


Whoa there,

conspiracy theory! Maybe the BHA just wanted to practice their Gaelic for a bit. You know, international cooperation and all that. Besides, who can resist a good excuse to visit Ireland? Fresh air, beautiful countryside… and hopefully some proper training facalities,  they might even pick up some clues.


“One option would be to not allow Irish trained runners in the UK and make them non-eligible for the majority of our races”.

Whoa, hold on there with the Iron Hoof Curtain! Think of the international neigh-borly relations!


“If they make Irish trained horses ineligible, the bigger UK owners would return to having their horses trained by UK trainers and the trend would start reversing”

Shur, blame the Irish trainers! Shur, blame the british owners ,  Shur blame the horses why not , It’s not like the fancy UK stables could possibly improve their methods, right?


 “ I would have that blanket for all races. But if we are to allow them to race in the UK once a year, maybe let that be at the Cheltenham Festival with perhaps one runner allowed per trainer in each race- not coming over every Saturday and winning everything”

One race a year? That’s harsher than a jockey on a bad hair day! Next thing you know, they’ll be making the Irish trained  horses jump over hurdles blindfolded just to “even the odds.” 


“Perhaps it is time for Horse Racing Ireland to contribute £10million to UK horse racing prize money as that is the amount connections of Irish horses are likely to receive from UK jump races this year” 


Contribute £10 million? They’d have to melt down all the trophies at the Galway Races! Besides, wouldn’t that just be like handing over the winning purse before the race even starts? Maybe they can offer a “participation award” for the best-behaved British horse instead, sponsored by the British owner of course.


All the BHA can do is control its own racing. They can do that by saying the Irish are not eligible to run in UK jump races or charge much higher entry fees for international horses to address the funding issue.

Charge higher entry fees? That’ll show those pesky Irish nags! Next thing you know, they’ll be demanding work visas for the horses! 


“I wish we all had Willie’s magic wand. Paul (Nicholls) is an outstanding trainer and just as good, but for some reason, owners send their horses to Willie because he gets such good “

Willie’s magic wand, Next thing you know, he’ll have fire-breathing fillies and levitating jockeys and a whole stable full of lucky horseshoes! Besides, who wouldn’t want their horse trained by a certified wizard? Just imagine the press conferences: “So, Willie, to what do you attribute this latest victory?” “Ah shur just a sprinkle of leprechaun dust and a whispered word to the wind!” 







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